
Texas State University

Class: Experimental Book Design
Professor: Claudia Roeschmann
Year: 2013

Showcase 2014, Juror’s Award

For this project, we were asked to pick a speech and interpret it in the form of a book. I chose an animal rights speech by Philip Wollen. Many animal rights literature is covered in grotesque images and not very inviting so it is usually thrown in the trash without being read because people generally do not want to see that. My goal was to communicate the same message but in a way that would gain interest rather than deter it.

Upon first glance the reader will notice there is a steak knife sheathed in the back cover and the title is on a small tag attached to twine which seals the book shut. This prompts the reader to pull out the knife to open the book. The content inside is laid out on a plain white page and is more neutral. It is not so in your face with facts and imagery. When the reader flips through, they will notice the french-folded pages have hidden content inside the fold. This once again prompts the reader to use the knife and slice open the page. What is revealed is a spread with all of the gruesome facts covered in blood splatters. By forcing the reader to have to tear apart the page, my hope was that it would also make the reader relate to the content and open a sympathetic eye towards animal rights.


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